Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cleaning Up the Clutter

    The start of the year is a perfect time to assess our life and come up with good resolutions. This year, I have decided to create a blog not only to express my thoughts but to inspire others. I'll start with nothing but positive vibes. I'll talk about love and life. Anything that makes us feel good about ourselves and how to take control of our  lives.

    Everyday we are always surrounded by negative energy. We are often get consumed by depressing thoughts which put us to downward spiral of negativity.   Our past wounds can hinder our present happiness. We can never be happy if we keep dragging along the pain in the past. Anger and resentment could be damaging to our total well-being. According to Buddha “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else—you are the one who gets burned."  If we carry anger, then we end up getting angry most of the time. If we feel good, then we find plenty of reasons to feel good about. Our perception of events is entirely up to us. We just need to decide whether to feel happy or dwell on sadness.

    Our lives are well too cluttered. . It's about time to clean up our mess, physically, emotionally and mentally and start living happily. We all deserve a blissful life.

    Perhaps this will give me a start on my resolution for the new year. May yours be a truly happy one.


  1. Nice Article Boss!

    let me add a message to your pix:

    "In Life we sometimes feel that all doors are now closed for us,If that happens in your life, remember a closed door is not always locked!"

    Reading your article, I've learned & decided how to be master of my own happiness, "clean up the present", "embrace the future" and "let go of the past"

    You're correct, To reach up for the new heights, you must let go of the old, What lies behind you is not nearly as important as what in front of you and not until you make PEACE with who you are,You will never be contented with what you have and for sure your life is still miserable!

    Mr Patience!

  2. Exactly. You are responsible for your own emotions. Learn how to control it or you will be a slave of it for the rest of your life.
